Updated: April 11, 2014
HomeAway CEO Brian Sharples has another significant chunk of stock for at least the fourth time in the past five weeks. Sharples acquired 28,645 shares as stock options on Tuesday and sold them the same day for more than $1 million.
Updated: April 2, 2014
Carl Shepherd unloaded 60,000 more shares of the stock on the open market in a transaction that occurred on April 1st. The shares were sold at an average price of $38.49, for a total transaction of $2,309,400.00. Following the completion of the sale, Shepherd now directly owns 153,996 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $5,927,306.
March 25: Updated info below:
Mar 20, 2014 —HomeAway CEO Brian Sharples sold 28,645 shares of the stock on the open market Monday, Mar 17 at an average price of $43.14, for a total of $1,235,745.30. Sharples now directly owns 57,446 shares, valued at approximately $2,478,220.
Just prior to Sharples’s transaction, it was reported that Chief Strategy and Development Officer Carl Shepherd unloaded more than 22% of his shares, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing. In all, Shepherd sold 60,000 shares in multiple transactions averaging $45.54 per share on March 11, worth more than $2.7 million. Shepherd still owns roughly 214,000 shares, worth more than $9.7 million.
Shepherd’s move occurred one day after HomeAway CTO Ross Buhrdorf, sold 179,357 shares worth $8.1 million.
In addtion, Tom Hale, Chief Product Officer sold an additional 1,041 shares –which combined with the 64,824 shares he sold a few weeks ago added up to just under $3 million.
HomeAway traded up 1.25% during mid-day trading on Tuesday, hitting $43.61. 482,686 shares traded hands. HomeAway has a one year low of $27.27 and a one year high of $48.90. The stock’s 50-day moving average is $43.27 and its 200-day moving average is $36.85. The company has a market cap of $4.030 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of 215.35.
March 25: Updated info below: