This Fastest-Growing Trip Length Category Can Increase Your Occupancy “Longer stays are on the rise. In fact,...
As a Digital Marketing and SEM specialist, I work with location-based marketing daily, but I know that...
Vacation rental managers have a lot on their plates. Outdated website content and overall “website cleanliness” is...
In 2022, consumer demand for vacation rentals is predicted to increase by 14 percent. Additionally, vacation rental...
In the never-ending battle for winning online bookings, OTAs and major hotel brands have become even more...
As a property manager, you may not believe that social media can help your business acquire more...
For any vacation rental company trying to gain online exposure, there are a couple of digital marketing...
KPIs Show the Value of Direct Bookings, but Airbnb is Quickly Gaining Ground as a Percentage of...
As competition heats up for supply, vacation rental managers are investing heavily in homeowner acquisition. Throughout the...
For many US vacation rental homeowners and managers, the 2021 summer season was likely the most profitable...
Spoiler alert…you won’t get very far. Getting the most out of your marketing efforts means investing in...
Technology growth and consolidation in the vacation rental industry have exploded over the past five years. In...
What day of the week is it again? With so many of us staying home because of...
My experience on this topic began with a foundation in the hotel industry where I saw distribution,...
The world of travel is opening again. With COVID-related restrictions lifting and vaccine distribution expanding, the public...
Experts in many fields, from economics to health care, have referred to COVID-19 as an accelerator that...
A guest’s memories of a vacation can be different from their true experience and are sometimes shaped...
When I tell people I’m a search engine optimization (SEO) specialist, I see their eyes glaze over....
For years now, vacation rental companies have been fighting desperately to win back market share from third...
Scrolling through online vacation rental marketing and management forums will quickly reveal the story of what many...
“We’re seeing lots of traffic, it’s not just converting.” How many times have you heard this? How many...
In business and life in general, they say to avoid extremes. Make a solid plan, make corrective...
This past February, I pulled into the driveway of my Orlando vacation rental around 9:00 p.m. on...