
VRHP Announces Agenda for Annual Vacation Rental Housekeeping Professionals Conference in Las Vegas

VRM Intel StaffAugust 22, 2016
Doug Kennedy - Kennedy Training Network
Customer Service for Vacation Rental Professionals

Personalizing Reservations and Customer Service: Are You Renting Units or Selling Vacation Experiences? How to Make Sure Your Vacation Rental Homes Do Not Become a Commodity

VRM Intel StaffAugust 22, 2016
Industry News for Vacation Rental Managers

Independent Contractor Or Employee? The Department of Labor may consider an independent contractor to be an employee more often than you realize.

VRM Intel StaffAugust 22, 2016
Kaiser by Wyndham Vacation Rentals Front Desk
Industry News for Vacation Rental Managers

Revenge of the Property Manager

VRM Intel StaffAugust 22, 2016
Vacation Rental Marketing

Is Your Marketing Strategy More Like Tinder or Match.Com?

VRM Intel StaffAugust 16, 2016
Customer Service for Vacation Rental Professionals

‘Fixer Upper’ houses turn into vacation rentals around Waco

VRM Intel StaffAugust 15, 2016