Attn: Vacation Rental Family–Help Riley Furlong Find Bone Marrow Donors

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HomeAway VP Bill Furlong is a known and popular face among vacation rental managers. Furlong has worked in the vacation rental industry for more than twelve years, first as CEO of Escapia and later at HomeAway. Bill’s daughter Riley was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), and she is asking for your spit!
Riley is in need of a bone marrow transplant, and she is challenging herself to recruit 1,000 of you to register at BeTheMatch in hopes of offering a bone marrow match for Riley or another recipient who needs your help.
The amazing thing about the vacation rental community is that it consistently pulls together when it matters, so join us in trying to find a match for Riley.
Here’s what you can do:
Someone somewhere can help Riley… we just need to find her match.
#SpitForRiley and spread the word!
Amy Hinote is the founder and editor-in-chief of VRM Intel Magazine, which provides news, information and resources for the professionally managed vacation rental industry. With a background in finance and over 15 years in the vacation rental industry, Hinote has worked with property management companies, technology companies, intermediaries and investors, and provides insider information about the growing vacation rental industry. She also founded the data company, now known as Key Data Dashboard, which provides aggregated market intelligence and reporting for vacation rental managers. Hinote resides between Alabama's Gulf Coast and Evanston, Illinois.
Thank you so much, Amy, for telling Riley’s story. I really appreciate it.
It has been a big boost for Riley to help inspire people to support a life-saving cause while she faces this next chapter in her fight against cancer. Since she will likely be the beneficiary of some hero who registered for the bone marrow database, she wanted to inspire others to be a hero for the thousands of people who need to find their perfect match for a bone marrow donation.
Thanks for telling her story and thanks to everyone who has provided such a wonderful response.
I registered for bethematch about a month ago…so super easy. I would recommend everyone do it! If you can help, why wouldn’t you?
Go Riley!