Ascent Processing Inc., the 22-year leader in vacation rental/lodging payment processing in North America, today announced the official release of their consumer travel loan product called ASCENTpay powered by Uplift. The company, which prides itself on being the originator of vacation rental specific payment processing, has partnered with Uplift, the provider of short-term travel financing software, to develop ASCENTpay powered by Uplift, a cost-effective financing product specifically tailored for the short-term vacation rental market.

“We are thrilled to have partnered with Uplift to bring this innovative payment option to the vacation rental industry,” said vice president, business development and partner programs, Dawn Yeskulsky. “Our expertise in the VR payments industry, coupled with Uplift’s technology, has allowed us to create a game-changing payment alternative that solves a multitude of issues for property managers and lodging providers while providing a new payment option to guests. Instant financing is a widely accepted payment alternative in the retail and e-commerce markets. We worked behind the scenes for months talking with property managers to find out what they wanted and needed in a product like this. What we discovered was for instant financing to work for Ascent, we needed to create a solution that would remove liability for chargebacks and fraud from our property managers, while significantly increasing both direct bookings and revenue, which we are able to do by partnering with Uplift. The fact that we pay our property managers 100 percent of the full amount of the total reservation immediately at the time of the booking, that is just an added bonus.”
The company will be revealing ASCENTpay powered by Uplift to the industry at the Vacation Rental Women’s Summit tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb 20th at 10:15 am CST in New Orleans, LA. Yeskulsky added, “Being a women-owned company, we believed the Women’s Summit was the perfect venue to announce ASCENTpay powered by Uplift, a product designed by women.” The presentation will also be
“Ascent is a leader in payment processing for lodging and rentals, and our partnership will provide an immediate positive impact for the company’s property managers throughout North America,” said Tom Botts, chief commercial officer at Uplift. “We’re thrilled to deliver instant financing within Ascent’s own offering, which enables the company to increase their value to their property managers within a seamless customer experience.”
Ascent Processing Inc. will add ASCENTpay powered by Uplift to its established merchant service offerings. “The response from our industry partners has been nothing short of amazing. We are very excited to have already contracted with many of the VR industry tech companies, such as Bizcor, ICND, RealVoice, Bluetent, and
To learn more about the product or inquire about a partnership feel free to visit www.ascent-pay.com.